Showing all 5 results
Cerro Cucurucho
Earn your descent in this rugged and varied cross country loop from Antigua connecting some of the best XC trails above town.
Guatemalan Highland Tour
Our 7 day Guatemalan highland mountain bike tour is a one-of-kind introduction to the country and it’s amazing riding. Experience a unique cultural bike trip that goes beyond the tourism map.
Tecpan-Pana Route of the Kaqchikel
Follow the path of the Kaqchikel Maya in this new multi-day mountain bike route for 2019! With high-altitude pine forests, a rich Mayan history, and tons of agricultural singletrack to explore Guatemala is an amazing place to ride a bike.
Travesía Campanabaj
Join us for one of Guatemala’s oldest and most challenging group rides through the high protected pine forests of Totonicapán.
Valle Escondido Adventure Mountain Bike Tour
A true backcountry loop – if you enjoy hiking with your bike, long, raw bushwack descents and a full day in the mountains where very few go -untouched cloud forest and incredible views await.